Fish Diseases

If you find that the fish in your aquarium are exhibiting signs of disease or illness, do not panic. There are plenty of medicines available to treat most,  if not all disease problems and you can purchase these online and in-stores. If you do plan on using medicine, isolate the sick fish to avoid spreading the disease. The possibility of sickness is a fact of life for creatures great and small, but with a little vigilance and preparation you can protect your fish against potentially harmful diseases and parasites." The following guides can help you identify and treat potential illness and disease but if you have any concerns please do not hesitate to speak to your local store team and they will be happy to recommend the best course of action.

There are a multitude of maladies that can affect the health of your fish, the most common being bacterial or parasitic, with fungal infections often occurring secondarily to the initial disease. Here are some of the more common ailments to look out for:

White spot
White Spot is one of the most common diseases in ornamental fish.
Fungal Infections
Fungus, or Cotton Wool Disease is usually caused by Saprolegnia and tends to attack damaged tissues.
Bacterial Infections
Bacterial infections in fish take a few forms, with both internal and external ailments presenting a range of symptoms.
Viral Fish Disease
In the aquatic trade, there’s a number of viral issues that we’ve grown accustomed to dealing with, these are mostly very specific and pose no threat to humans of course. Let’s start with a couple of the most well-established ones...
Pond Fish - Disease, Treatment and Prevention
Usually a very hardy group, pond fish can be expected to thrive come rain or shine, as long as conditions are stable and water quality remains high.

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