The tiny Boxer Crab or “Pom-Pom Crab” (Lybia tesselata) measures less than 15mm across even when fully grown, but despite its size, this pint-sized pugilist packs a mean punch thanks to a bit of ingenuity and a bit of help from an even tinier partner. Making full use of the tools at its disposal, the Boxer Crab frequently takes hold of two tiny clumps of anemone, grips them in its specially adapted pincers and uses them as “gloves”, therefore using the anemone’s sting as a weapon of its own. When faced with a worrying threat or predator, the tiny crab waves the gloves around it a menacing yet fascinating shadowboxing display that’s designed to act as a deterrent and scare off unwelcome attention:
The anemone is not dependent on the crab, but in return for its help, it benefits by receiving particles of food dropped during the crab’s messy feeding sessions, and is far more mobile and has access to more foods than other anemones that are forced to wait for their meals to come to them.
Despite their armaments, however, Boxer Crabs are reclusive and shy, and even in smaller aquaria, it can be hard to spot them on a regular basis. But with the mosaic of colours adorning its carapace, it is undoubtedly a beautiful animal that makes every glimpse worthwhile.