Episode 8 of Series 9 “Love Your Garden” aired on the 12th November 2019 on ITV1, and this week Alan and his team set off to Birmingham to surprise Georgie Moseley - the founder of Britain's first cancer drop-in centre - with a stunning Ibizan-style hideaway garden and a beautiful outdoor paradise for the cancer drop-in centre she set-up and runs.

Georgie had certainly had her share of heartache when she lost her 11-year old son, Harry to cancer, 8 years ago, and her neglected triangular garden was a misshapen mess void of all features and represented the turmoil and darkness of her life in recent years since the loss of her son.  Her garden had always known as ‘Harry’s garden’ – so Alan’s design centred around ensuring he still had a real presence there.

So, in spite of the awful weather, the team set to work to let some sunlight in and provide somewhere Georgie could be alone with Harry and remember the happy memories.  The Mediterranean holiday-inspired garden they created is now a place where she can try to recreate her happy memories of her son on holiday in Ibiza and help Georgie chill out, take time to remember and feel close to happy times.

Here are some of the photos of this beautiful Mediterranean haven: perfect for unwinding, socialising and contemplation with chillout zone and elegant Mediterranean-style water feature.

Georgie and Alan

View of Georgie's garden

Harry's Shed