Each month we showcase an aquarium from one of our 160 stores across the UK to excite and inspire you with your own aquarium designs. This month, we have chosen this beautiful aquarium from our Fishkeeper Melville

Aquarium Maintenance

Our Tank of the month is a custom made 595-litre display with a custom cabinet both from Casco. The tank runs with a sump, alongside using JBL Symec, Filterwool, K1 Media and filter sponges, 2 300w JBL heaters are also used. Microbe lift animal care and filter bacteria are used when cleaning out the media.

The aquarium receives a 50% water changes weekly with re-mineralised RO water, filter sponges in ths sump tank are changed every third week, when needed, with the fine filter wool being changed every other week. A TMC AquaBar T series is used on this aquarium and are on for 10 hours a day.

The Décor in this aquarium is kept to ocean rock and black sand.