
The striking black stripes make zebra nerite snails one of the most beautiful freshwater snails commonly available to aquarists. As well as being very decorative the Zebra nerite feeds almost exclusively on algae to the point where algae wafers may have to be fed to supplement the diminishing food supply, even the hard green algae that proves so difficult to remove is on the menu, however despite its appetite for the green stuff, these snails will not eat plants Making them an ideal addition to the planted aquarium. 



snail-2.jpg&w=258&zc=1Although N.Natalensis is an aquatic snail it has been known to climb up and above the water level, therefore a tight fitting cover glass or lid is recommended to keep them from escaping. Most aquarium keepers regard snails as a pest that can multiply out of control, you will be glad to know that although they may lay eggs Zebra nerites are very difficult to breed in the aquarium due to a larval stage which requires brackish conditions .In order to avoid potential problems with shell growth it is recommended that they are kept in alkaline water (pH of 7+).