Lion And Scorpionfishes

Equipped with venomous dorsal spines, these predators need careful handling. As mostly defensive weapons, the greate Read More

Equipped with venomous dorsal spines, these predators need careful handling. As mostly defensive weapons, the greatest risk is when netting the fish or moving décor when they are hiding in the aquarium.

Lionfishes are generally peaceful but predatory, posing no risk to corals but eagerly devouring small fishes and shrimps. The larger species have a rapid growth rate, so make sure you take this into account when adding an adorable juvenile to a community of fishes. The smaller species can be inclined to be shy in brightly lit aquaria and will appreciate hiding places to retreat to while they adapt.

Scorpionfishes tend to be cryptically coloured and happy to hide in plain sight, relying on their camouflage. It pays to take note of their location before working in their tank, to prevent any painful accidents.

Feeding can be tricky, with newly acquired specimens having very firm ideas when it comes to moving prey. Most can be persuaded to take non-living food, especially if it’s made to move. For picky eaters, feeder shrimps can be given a last meal of quality dry food to help improve their nutritional value.

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