The Whip Fin Fairy Wrasse isknown from both deep coastal reef slopes and shallow muddy estuaries. Juvenilesare often seen shoaling in groups with adult females and one adult male, alongwith other species of
Cirrhilabrus or
Paracheilinus wrasses, as they feedon zooplankton in the water column. This is a highly variable fish in terms oflooks; the main body colour of female fish can be anything from salmon pink todark red, with a white underside. The male tends to show slightly boldercolouration, and his dorsal, caudal, and anal fins are usually yellowish andwill have varying amounts of blue highlighting. The dorsal fin itself mayexceed the length of the entire fish, which is how this species attained itscommon name. During courtship rituals, the males can undergo spectacular colourchanges within seconds, displaying intense colours to attract a female. In thehome aquarium, it is best to keep either a single specimen or a groupconsisting of just one male with several females. Be sure to add the entiregroup simultaneously, or else add all females before the male. In the confinesof the aquarium, large males will behave aggressively towards other fairywrasses and other small wrasse species introduced after them. Unless you areblessed with a system of vast proportions,
neverattempt to keep more than one male together. The tank should be aquascaped withplenty of live rock, in order for the fish to have ample places to hide amongstshould they feel threatened. Newly acclimatised fish may be quite shy, but inthe presence of peaceful tankmates, they should soon gain much confidence andswim out in open water areas. It is best not to house the Whip Fin Fairy Wrassewith large, intimidating species such as some of the bigger Angels and Tangs.Likewise, do not keep alongside small timid planktivores such as dottybacks, asthe Whip Fin Fairy Wrasse can be a little boisterous and competitive at feedingtimes. Provide your fish with consistently high water quality, decent current,and plenty of aeration. Tight fitting coverslides are an absolute must as thesefish are expert jumpers. You may sometimes see this fish labelled as the JavanFairy Wrasse.
Feed a variety of meaty foodsin small amounts several times per day, including Mysis shrimp,vitamin-enriched brineshrimp, finely chopped krill, and plankton. Over time,may also learn to accept flake foods.