Maidenhead Aquatics support OATA's Hands Off My Hobby campaign! 

As you may have heard, pressures are once again building on the ornamental fish trade as the debate over the potential banning of any exotic species being kept as pets in the UK continues. OATA (the Ornamental Aquatic Trade Association) have re-launched their 'Hands Off My Hobby' campaign to let our government know how much keeping fish means to the industry and our fishkeeping community. If no action is taken, we risk losing the right to enjoy keeping ornamental fish in our homes. Fishkeeping is not only a wonderful way to fill a room with life and colour, but our aquatic friends can in turn positively improve hobbyists' emotional and social well-being.

As the UK's top specialist aquatic retailer we stand beside the OATA organisation to encourage politicians to appreciate the love and passion we all put into the aquatic trade and the joy it brings to so many people around the UK. 

Read more about the campaign and what you can do to support OATA and the UK aquatic community, here.