Imagine having an aquarium the size of your living room wall? Well, a keen aquarist in Israel has turned that dream into a reality.


January marks the 30,000 litre coral reef tank’s fifth birthday as the largest house reef aquarium in Isreal – and we have yet to see one to rival it! With a sump totalling near to 7,000 litres, a vast filtration system and four 100W LED lights, it is no surprise that this gigantic home aquarium takes a lot of time and effort to run.

However, it all seems to be worth it when you can sit down, in front of the tank’s clear glass and enjoy your very own section of ocean - Or enjoy like Eli and climb right in to be amongst your hard work!


The aquarium owner has set up a Youtube channel for fans of the tank to find more information on the impressive project:


(All images courtesy of Eli F’s Youtube channel, via the Mirror Online.)